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Artist Biography


Caffeine addict | Dog Lover

Design Junky | Scarf Hoarder

Foul Mouthed Millenial


Hi! My name is Kyla. 

I'm a Winnipeg based abstract artist and this all started when I developed a habit of taking my bad days out on a blank canvas. 

I've always enjoyed creating with various art mediums, whether it be drawing, painting with watercolors, silk painting, playing with charcoals and pastels, or throwing clay on a pottery wheel. Nothing quite captured me like acrylics though, specifically the magic of abstracts. 


Self taught, I love to experiment with many colours that, if I'm not careful, could very well look like mud in the end. I paint in colour because I truly believe in colour's therapeutic benefits and the way it can influence our moods and emotions. 


I've studied countless YouTube videos, have generously received tips + tricks from other artists, attended workshops, and experimented relentlessly myself. I've adapted many techniques into something of my own monster.


"If you ever want to know what a creative person's mind feels like, imagine a browser with 2,857 tabs open. All. The. Time." 

Welcome to the chaos.



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